Dear Parents,
On behalf of the faculty, staff and administration of Stella Maris Academy, I would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for the thoughtfulness and generosity so many of you expressed to us during Catholic Schools Week. It was truly a celebration!
An important piece to our budgeting and planning for the upcoming school year is procuring commitments from our current and prospective families regarding their enrollment intentions. You should have received an email with your tuition agreement earlier this week. Please complete the agreement and send in the necessary forms and fees as soon as possible to secure your child’s place on the roster for the 2022-2023 school year. The more information we have, the more precise our budget will be. I thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have not received your agreement, please contact our business manager, Mrs. Hollis jhollis@stellamarisacademy.org.
A current “hot topic” in the news is the debate regarding the mask mandates for students in school. I want to assure you that I am keeping up on all of the latest updates and will share them as I receive them. The current status is that students and adults must wear facial coverings at all times while indoors together. Facial coverings are optional when students and adults are outdoors. Yesterday, our City Council voted unanimously to begin the process of “easing up” on the student mask mandates that are currently in place. I will continue to follow this issue and share any new information that comes from the CDPH. Whatever changes occur to this mandate in the future will be reviewed by our Bishop who will then pass his decision down to us. We will continue to respect everyone’s decision to mask or not to mask when that decision becomes reality. This is definitely a time to remain respectful. empathetic, and tolerant of one another’s choices. We’ve come so far and stayed strong and united. Let’s get to the finish line together! We got this SMA!
Stay Strong Stella!
Francie Moss