Ways to Give

Match your Gift to Stella Maris Academy
Your employer may offer a plan to match your charitable donation to Stella Maris Academy – doubling or even tripling your gift. What to do: contact your human resources department for a matching gift form, fill out your portion and mail it with your donation to Stella Maris Academy. The form may require Stella Maris Academy’s tax identification number #27-3979509. Stella Maris Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.The Office of Advancement is happy to assist you in this process. Please contact us at 858-454-2461 with any questions. 

Thank you for your support and for requesting to initiate a matching gift with your employer! 

Matching gift companies in San Diego include Qualcomm, Kaiser Permanente, Sempra Energy (PG&E), Charles Schwab, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Apple, LPL Financial, Goodrich/United Technologies (UTC), Home Depot, Starbucks, State Farm, Cisco, Genentech, Quidel and many more. 

Gift of Stock / Appreciated Securities
Giving in the form of appreciated securities is an easy way to support Stella Maris Academy, and there are some important benefits. If you have held the stock for more than 12 months, you may be entitled to a tax deduction (both state and federal) at the fair market value. And, you won’t pay capital gains tax. 

Important! Please contact Stella Maris Academy to notify us of your plans to transfer stock: we’ll need the name of the stock, the number of shares and the trade date. The stock transfer form may require Stella Maris Academy’s tax identification number #27-3979509. Stella Maris Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 

The Charitable IRA
Once you turn 70 ½, you are required to take minimum distributions (RMD) from your Individual Retirement Account. To receive tax benefits in return, you can take advantage of a simple process for IRA rollover distributions that also benefit Stella Maris Academy, a non-profit organization, through a direct transfer. The IRA distribution form may require Stella Maris Academy’s tax identification number #27-3979509. Stella Maris Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

The benefit of an IRA charitable rollover allows donors to make tax-free charitable gifts of up to $100,000 per year, directly from your IRA to the Stella Maris Academy. These gifts count as part of your required minimum distribution from your IRA but aren’t taxable income to you. That’s a big benefit, particularly if you don’t itemize deductions on your individual tax returns. In addition, your gift will be put to use today, allowing you to see the difference your donation makes to our young students. 

For IRA disbursement by check:*

Stella Maris Academy
Advancement Department
7654 Herschel Avenue
La Jolla, CA 92037 

*Please ensure your financial institution sends your charitable distribution directly to Stella Maris Academy (and not to you), so that you receive tax benefits.

IRAs and Your Estate Plan
If you name Stella Maris Academy as a beneficiary of your IRA, your gift is free of taxes: providing a greater impact for your giving, and flexibility in your planning with the ability to reduce taxes.  

Legacy Giving / Gift Planning
Legacy gifts are a great way of ensuring that both your loved ones and the charitable causes you care about will benefit from your estate. A gift to Stella Maris Academy will create a lasting legacy for future generations of students. Gifts to Stella Maris Academy from your estate can be made in many ways. The most common types of gifts are from wills and trusts and through these giving vehicles:

Residuary Gift: The residue (or a percentage of the residue) of an estate after all other gifts, debts and expenses have been paid. 

Pecuniary Gift: A fixed sum of money.

Specific Gift: An identifiable asset such as a property, an investment (such as an IRA or insurance policy) or a piece of jewelry.

Reversionary gift: A two-stage gift where assets are first held in a trust to provide some benefit to an individual; this could be a property for them to live in or income generated by investments.  Once that individual’s need for the property (or trust) ends, the assets then pass to a second beneficiary, such as Stella Maris Academy.

Recommended Language
When you include Stella Maris Academy to receive a gift from your will or trust, you can use the following suggested wording for your gift. 

Residuary gift
i give Stella Maris Academy (…….%) percent of the residue of my real and personal estate to Stella Maris Academy, 7654 Herschel Avenue, La Jolla, CA 92037 (Tax ID #27-3979509).

Pecuniary gift
I give ($…….) dollars to Stella Maris Academy, 7654 Herschel Avenue, La Jolla, CA 92037 (Tax ID #27-3979509).

Specific gift of an asset
I give my ……. (include a description of the asset here) to Stella Maris Academy 7654 Herschel Avenue, La Jolla, CA 92037 (Tax ID #27-3979509)

If you have any questions about your gift to Stella Maris Academy, please contact our Advancement Office at 858-454-2461, or speak to your attorney. If you have already named Stella Maris Academy to receive a gift from your estate, please let us know so that we may welcome you into our Legacy Society. 

Legal Name: Stella Maris Academy
Address: 7654 Herschel Avenue, La Jolla, CA 92037
Federal Tax ID number 27-3979509.

IRAs and Your Estate Plan
If you name Stella Maris Academy as a beneficiary of your IRA, your gift is free of taxes – providing a greater impact for your giving as well as flexibility in your planning with the ability to reduce taxes. While most gifts from a will or trust are subject to required estate deductions, because the Stella Maris is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, a gift from your IRA will be tax-free.  The IRA beneficiary form will likely require Stella Maris Academy’s tax identification number #27-3979509.

Professional Advisors
Please contact our Advancement Office at 858-454-2461 if you have been notified of a realized gift to Stella Maris Academy, or if you have any questions about Stella Maris Academy’s Gift Planning program. Stella Maris Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID #27-3979509.

Celebratory Giving – Honor a Loved One
At Stella Maris Academy our community – of parents, students, alumni, parishioners, and friends – is our family. This may be why we feel so connected to each other and to the school. 

Our Celebratory Giving Program is a way you can celebrate and honor those close to you. Whether that is a donation in memory of a loved one who has passed or to honor a birthday, graduation, anniversary or a special occasion. The Office of Advancement will send a letter to the honoree or the family of the deceased, to inform them of your gift. The amount of your gift is kept confidential.

Community Business Partner Sponsors
Stella Maris Academy is deeply grateful for the generosity of our business community. We are seeking business partners for sponsorship opportunities and in-kind gifts. Partnering with Stella Maris is a wonderful investment for both the enrichment of our students and for your business with increased publicity and brand visibility to a new audience of potential customers. As a business partner with Stella Maris, you will demonstrate that your business is invested in the future of the community and the education of the next generation of community ambassadors. For more information about becoming a business partner with Stella Maris Academy, please contact our Advancement Office.

In-Kind Gifts
In-kind gifts are contributions of goods or services, other than cash gifts. Stella Maris Academy uses in-kind gifts in our classroom curriculum, in the administrative offices, at our events and as auction items at our gala. In-kind donations include electronic devices, food, flowers, tickets for things like amusement parks, hotel rooms, spa days, gift cards, clothing, toys, etc.

Please contact our Advancement Office, 858-454-2641 if you would like to donate an in-kind gift.