Message from Principal Brandt
Dear Stella Maris Academy Families,
Are y’all ready for An Evening of Enchantment?
Join us for our 78th Annual Gala on Saturday, February 8, 2025, at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla. You don’t want to miss this very special evening of celebration as we raise money for our students and support the legacy of educational excellence at SMA.
Our goal this year is to raise $100,000. 80 percent of the funds we raise will go directly to cover the difference between tuition and the actual cost to educate each student (that gap is approximately $2500 per student). The remaining 20 percent of the funds raised will be earmarked directly for classroom resources to support all students in all grades. These resources include items such as flexible seating, updated technology tools, curriculum manipulatives, peer tutoring and group work resources, social-emotional learning tools, and learning and behavioral support resources.
Our Evening of Enchantment auction will showcase featured artwork of our students and teacher features (i.e., special events and activities for the students and hosted by the teachers). Additionally, the evening will offer several live auction items, great food and wine, music, dancing and community. Let us make this 78th Annual Gala the most successful one yet!
Thank you for your continued support of SMA, blessings and gratitude always!
James Brandt
How to Donate
There are many ways to help contribute to the success of our Gala fundraiser!
Please help us with one or more of the following:
- Participate in this event by making a donation of goods or services to be auctioned at the Gala.
- Sponsor the Gala with a tax-deductible monetary donation and promote your business to a thriving community.
- Attend the 2025 Stella Maris Academy Gala, An Evening of Enchantment!
Donation Letters and Forms
Please feel free to print letters and give to potential donors.
For donations or sponsorship please complete the attached form(s) and return it and your donation to the School Office. We also accept donations online.
All donations are tax-deductible for 2024. We welcome all supporters of our school!
Thank You!