Dear Parents,
As we continue our Distance Learning journey together I will continue to keep you informed and as up-to-date as possible on new information and upcoming events. I apologize for the length of this message, but there is so much to share with you!
This week I will attempt to clarify the end-of-trimester/year grading procedures for TK-5th grades. These grades are utilizing the Standard Referenced Report Cards. Teachers are still teaching standards that are required to be covered at each respective grade level. Therefore, the same report cards that you are familiar with will continue to be used. All standards that are covered will be assessed and then reported out to you. If, for any reason, a standard is not assessed or a student has not completed work that enables the teacher to authentically access the standard an NE(not evaluated) will be assigned. Rest assured that your children are benefitting from creative and engaging lessons from their teachers. I have witnessed so many successful lessons first hand. When planning, teachers are constantly revisiting the standards yet to be addressed. In next week’s newsletter, I will address the middle school reporting procedures. Additionally, I will be sharing our plan to get your child’s personal belongings, report card and yearbook to them during the first week of June. Many thanks again for your patience, support and cooperation.
We continue to celebrate our Students of the Month! This wonderful tradition has been on “hold” until we got things settled down a bit. We have made some necessary adjustments to get all virtues covered so as not to neglect the importance of any of them. During the weeks of May 4 and May 18, part of a Zoom meeting will be designated by your child’s teacher to recognize students to be honored for exhibiting specific virtues. There will be two students recognized each week. Week of May 4th…Cooperation and Service and week of May 18th…Stewardship and Gratitude. At the end of each of these weeks a special Zoom meeting will be held for myself, recognized students, their families and classroom teachers to share our feelings of gratitude and appreciation. It may not be the same as in person, but we can still express our sincere love for these wonderful examples of Christian leadership.
I am pleased and excited to share information regarding this Friday’s school Mass and May Crowning. Remembering this month of May as a celebration of Mary as the mother of Jesus, we will continue the tradition of a May Crowning. I will be present in the junior yard from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m. with the gate on Kline Street open for any families desiring to bring flowers and place them by our Blessed Mother. Once you do so, please exit out the side gate nearest the kindergarten classroom to allow for social distancing protocol. I also ask that masks be worn during your visit. Please note that unfortunately, this is not an opportunity for gathering to visit with friends you have missed, but a way for us to show our solidarity in prayer during these difficult times. Mary is truly a role model of faith and strength when faced with the trials that life offers us. At 11:00 I will bring your flowers over to the church for Mass. I strongly encourage you to watch the Mass as it is Live Streamed at 11:20 on Mary Star Of the Sea Parish FB page. Following the Mass, it will be uploaded to the parish and school websites. If you have a statue of Mary at home, please participate by presenting flowers to her or even a mini May Crowning of your own as we do so at the beginning of Mass. At the end of Mass Fr. Pat will lead us in a Prayer of Reconsecration to Mary. Please see the prayer directly following this message. I will have additional copies in the junior yard along with complimentary rosaries (while supplies last) on Friday. Many thanks to Fr. Pat and all of his support to continue to minister to our students and families during these past several weeks. we are truly blessed to have him here.
Continued thanks for your support. Please know how very much you are all loved and appreciated!
Francie Moss