Dear Parents,
Happy New Year and welcome back to school! As we proceed forward with “re-entry” into our daily routines, we appreciate your patience, cooperation and support. These first couple of weeks back to school requires consistency and follow-through by teachers, students and parents. Our first two days have gone well and have set the stage for a continued smooth transition into the remainder of our school year. Thank you to our entire SMA community!
To keep us all up-to-date on the current status of COVID mandates, recommendations and policies set forth by our state and local health officials, I attend a weekly Zoom meeting with representatives from the San Diego County Health and Human Services Department. Yesterday’s meeting confirmed that a 10-day quarantine for anyone traveling out-of-state remains in effect until further notice. Therefore, we will continue to support these guidelines as we move forward and continue on with our school year. Vaccination availability for our teachers and staff was also discussed at the meeting. School teachers and employees are considered to be “essential workers”. Therefore, vaccines will be made available to us in the 1B section of vaccine distributions. As of today, no specific date for distribution has been determined.
Please join myself and our entire SMA faculty and staff by welcoming Ms. Megan Hughes to our SMA family as our 8th grade homeroom/ religion teacher and middle school science teacher. We look forward to a great second half of our school year! She has already commented to me on how “nice” our students are…way to go SMA!
In closing, I would like to share with our families that as Catholic Schools Week approaches (January 31- February 5) please be aware that the events we have come to know and love as tradition, such as Catholic Schools Sunday Mass/Open House and Grandparents’ Day will look very different. We are working together to brainstorm creative ways to celebrate these days, understanding that celebrating together in person will not be possible this year. Please continue to watch for updates in our weekly newsletters.
Mrs. Moss