Dear Parents,
It is that time of the year again when we look towards the upcoming new school year. We will be emailing you important information regarding tuition rates and registration for the 2021-2022 school year at approximately 6:15 this evening. Please watch carefully for it. We are asking that our current families respond with their commitment no later than Friday, February 26. We will begin contacting prospective families during the first week of March and scheduling students for prospective student assessments.
With the recent enrollment interest in our school, we have, understandably, had some questions regarding the impact on our class sizes for the next school year. We have made the decision to keep our numbers at a modest 20-25 students per class. This has traditionally been regarded as a preferred number for a healthy classroom environment. As always, I thank you for your support, understanding and cooperation as we maneuver through these new, uncharted waters. Should you have any questions or concerns, please know that my door is always open.
Francie Moss