Dear Parents,
We are half way through our first full week of school and all is well. Needless, to say, we are all exhausted!!! But it is so worth it! Your children have adapted beautifully. Please know that we are aware of the difficulty of getting back to a school day routine for all of us. One way that you can help is by making sure your children are getting plenty of sleep. Breaking the habit of later bedtimes during the summer is always a difficult adjustment to make. But we are finding out that the masks and all of the new protocols, tend to take their toll on the children.
Just a reminder, that if your child is experiencing any kind of difficulty adjusting to school “re-entry”, we do have a counselor on campus 2 days per week. If you are interested in taking advantage of this service that we are providing to our students, free of charge, please contact the school office for a consent form.
Finally, I would like to provide a bit more clarification on the policy issued by the local and state public health organizations regarding the procedures to be followed if a child or staff member is experiencing cold or flu type symptoms or loss or taste or smell or if they have a temperature of 100 or higher. We are obligated to follow the following steps…
>The child will have to remain at home and may return to school depending which of the following actions are taken…
*You may take your child to the doctor and request a test for COVID-19. If the results are negative, the child can return to school 72 hours after the symptoms are resolved.
*If you choose not to seek out your child’s doctor, the child must remain at home for 14 days
Please refer to the Decision Tree below for additional information regarding positive test results and chronic issues.
I am aware that I have sent this information home previously, but there are still many questions that are completely understandable.
I cannot stress enough how much we appreciate your understanding and cooperation regarding these procedures. I can imagine how frustrating it must be, but we must all fight this fight together to keep our school open and healthy.
Ending on a happy note…Tomorrow SMA celebrates its 74th birthday! We will have signage up, balloons flying at each gate and a special (pre-packaged) treat for our students as they leave school at the end of the day. 74 years and still going strong! We are so blessed!
Francie Moss
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