Dear Parents,
I hope you all had a restful Easter break. Our return marks the beginning of the “home stretch” toward the end of this momentous school year. I know I am repeating myself, but I am so proud of this SMA community for our strength, courage and cooperative spirit throughout the past several months.
With the success of the county’s vaccination program for educators and the progress our county has made in the battle against the spread of Covid-19, we are thankfully beginning to see some of our “normality” returning. We will begin to gradually and conservatively transition away from the plexiglass partitions on our student desks. We have accomplished this with our middle school classes. Additionally, we have placed individual student desks in our ELA, 6th, and 7th homerooms. These desks will allow for continued social distancing within the classrooms. We will continue to mandate temperature checks, hand sanitizing, facial coverings and social distancing for all students through the end of this school year. I will watch all public health requirements throughout the summer for mandates in the fall. Please rest assured that we remain vigilant in our safety protocols for our students and teachers. I am confident that we will finish this school year positive and strong because, with God…anything is possible.
Many thanks for your continued patience and support! Stay Strong Stella…we are almost there!
Francie Moss