Dear Parents,
Happy Wednesday! I hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather! Spring has arrived and the future looks brighter. We are seeing much of our lives returning to more of a sense of “normal”, which is definitely a trend in the right direction. There has been much talk about the necessity for masks to be worn while we are outside. This topic was brought up in yesterday’s public health Zoom meeting that I attended. This recommendation is only for fully vaccinated individuals who are not in crowed situations. Therefore, we will continue our current masking protocols for all students and adults to remain masked while on campus. I pray this mandate will be lifted by the beginning of the new school year.
One of the things that make Stella Maris such an amazing school is the cooperation and communication between parents, teachers and administration. I would like to thank those of you that participated in the survey regarding “Parents as Primary Educators” that was sent out last week. We have reviewed the results and will take the suggestions into consideration when planning for the new school year. Due to COVID restrictions, we have been unable to bring guest speakers to campus to meet with parents regarding parenting skills and spiritual growth of children. We hope to bring these opportunities back next year. It was definitely one of several requests that we identified within the survey results. I am already planning on scheduling one evening per trimester for parent education. If we get a good turnout, we can add more sessions. Many thanks again for your input, patience and respect. We are a great school…but there will always be room for improvement.
Please take some time to read through the article below. I have chosen the Easter season to focus on spiritual growth of children and the parent’s role in this area. I enjoyed this piece because it breaks the development down by age range. One aspect that we will be focusing on next year and for years to come is that of service. Giving thanks for all we have and, in turn, helping those who are less fortunate builds character, compassion and a sense of responsibility for all of our brothers and sisters.
In closing, I would like to thank the incredibly generous parishioners of Mary, Star of the Sea parish for providing a majority of the funding needed to purchase the additional laptops needed for our increased student enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year. What a blessing to be part of this wonderful community!
Francie Moss
Please click here to read article