Dear Parents,
As we look forward towards the upcoming 3-day Labor Day weekend, we can celebrate a wonderful beginning to our school year.
Today we had our first fire drill of the new school year. Mr. Guay has also walked many of our classes to visit our three “Rally Points” this week. These are places of safety for our students to go to in case of an evacuation emergency. Some additional excitement is also going on in both our junior and senior yards. Our, long awaited and much anticipated, shade sails are being installed this week. The poles will be set in concrete tomorrow and sails to be installed early next week. A million thanks to our teachers and students for their patience during all of the jack-hammering during the school day in preparation for this project.
Fr. Mark will be our celebrant for this Friday’s school Mass. Please note …we LOVE having parents attend our school Masses. In order to assure the safety of our children, we ask that all parents that choose to attend Mass with us must wear facial coverings while in the church. Students will be sitting 5 to a pew. Therefore, in order to accommodate all students, we ask that parents please sit in the side sections or in the side chapel near the tabernacle. As always, we thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
Francie Moss