Dear Parents,
As we approach the second half of this second full week of in-person learning, thankfully, many things are beginning to fall into place. The children are smiling, laughing, and seem to be genuinely happy. This makes all of our hard work over the summer months well worth the effort.
There were some concerns and suggestions regarding drop-off and pick-up procedures that were shared with me following my Friday video message. I would like to thank those of you that reached out to me in the spirit of working together to find a solution. I want to let you know that I have been monitoring the before and after school carlines this week. So far, they seem to be going fairly well, with a couple hiccups. There has not been any back up on to Torrey Pines Road. This is a good sign. A couple recommendations would definitely help with the traffic flow to the senior yard alley…
1. Please do not make a left turn into the alley from Kline. Waiting to get in the line this way can quickly back up traffic. Instead, please make a right on Torrey Pines and then right on Herschel then proceed to Kline.
2. I have noticed that the final 5 minutes of drop-off and pick-up are fairly light traffic times. If you can schedule dropping off a bit closer to those times, it may help as well.
I will continue to monitor the traffic for the reminder of the week and revisit this in my Friday video message. I am also exploring the possibility of requesting that the entire curb in front of the senior yard be marked as a loading zone just as the junior yard is marked. The parking regulations have not been enforced recently due to the pandemic. I have heard that enforcement will start up again on October 1. This should clear the curb for pick-up in the junior yard.
I attended a Zoom meeting with the San Diego County Office of Education this morning. The protocols have remained relatively unchanged. One change is that if a student has any symptoms that could possibly be related to COVID and they do not see a doctor or get a COVID test, they are now obligated to remain home for 10 days, instead of 14 days after the symptoms have been resolved. We’ll take it!
As always, a million thanks to our amazing teachers, rock star students, and over-the-top supportive parents! We are so blessed to have this wonderful school and each other!
Autumn Blessings,
Francie Moss
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