Dear Parents,
Excitement is growing with our 75th Anniversary just two days away! Please plan on joining us this Friday morning at 8:15 for a Pep Rally to celebrate our wonderful school. Due to the large number of students and guests expected, we are asking that facial coverings be worn while students are present.
The COVID-19 Decision Tree has gone through a few minor changes. I will be sending the new tree home in next week’s newsletter. Please note that we are now sending home a Decision Tree page with the highlighted procedure required by the health department with any student who is sent home with symptoms. It is our hope that this helps to make the process a bit easier. Additionally, public health requires that any COVID-19 testing, except an at-home antigen test is admissible for reentry to school. As soon as our test kits arrive, we can provide this service free of charge for our students (with parent consent, of course). The latest news is that the tests are backordered for at least 4 weeks. I will continue to keep you updated with all of the latest news.
I hope to see many of you at our celebration this Friday morning, and of course, at our Family Mass at 9:00 this Sunday. Remember, If the students attend the Mass on Sunday in Mass uniform, they can come to me after Mass for a free dress coupon. So much to be thankful for…we are so blessed!
Francie Moss