Dear Parents,
I am pleased to share with you that our “Acts of Kindness” are going strong! Congratulations to the first grade for already completing 75 kind acts! This is such a special way to celebrate our wonderful school.
Many thanks to Mrs. Moreau and Mr. Lupe Rios (our music teacher)along with some of our students, for representing SMA in today’s virtual World Mission Rosary. This event was sponsored by the Missions Office of the Diocese of San Diego. We were honored to be asked to sing and lead our other Catholic schools in a decade of the Holy Rosary.
I encourage all of our families to try to attend this weekend’s La Jolla’s Art and Wine Festival this weekend. It is a great way to support our community and local business. There will be lots of food, music, arts and other booths to entertain the entire family. I hope to see you there.
Many thanks for your patience as we have trained and prepared for the Rapid Result Antigen Testing program here at our school. It is now underway. Please make sure that you fill out the registration and digital consent forms sent home via email this past Monday.
Blessings for a great 3-day weekend!
Francie Moss