Dear Parents,
I am pleased to share with you that our first week of making Antigen Testing available to our students has gone smoothly. We have had no positive cases, just colds and allergies. Thanks be to God!
With that said, I am very aware of concerns and questions regarding the possibility of government mandated vaccines for our children. I will continue to be open to conversations and will share any information with you that comes my way.
Unfortunately, at this time there simply isn’t any. All we have heard is a statement from the Governor during a news conference. The California Bishops will be meeting next week and this mandate is on their agenda. Therefore, I should hopefully know more following that meeting. Fr. Pat and myself are dedicated to all of the families in our school, no matter where they “stand” on this issue. We will continue to support all of our parents and their right to make healthcare decisions for their children. I am proud of how united our school community has remained during times of much fear, anxiety and confusion. We have stood strong and refrained from judging one another because we have different views on current pandemic and healthcare issues. Let’s not lose that focus. Let’s stay strong and united in Christ and get through this together as one SMA family.
In closing, please check your email for a link to tomorrow evening’s La Jolla Town Council meeting. I was honored to be invited to make a presentation at an Educational Forum. I will be speaking on the history and current growth and successes of Stella Maris Academy. The presentation will begin at 5:30 and I will be the first speaker and only Catholic school representative! The Zoom link is included the today’s earlier email. I hope to see many of you attend in support of our amazing school.
Stay Strong Stella…we got this!!!!
Francie Moss