Dear Parents,
To say, “What a day!” would be an understatement. Today our school community has shined brighter than any star in the sky. After receiving the news this morning that one of our students tested positive for COVID-19 our admin staff went into action. I made an all-call to the close contacts…Miss Clariza and I set up two antigen testing stations in the gym…Mrs. Hollis manned the phones, and our VP, Mrs. Zack began checking for consent-for-testing forms from the parents. The process went smoothly and we all celebrated after all 13 students and 9 staff members tested negative and were permitted to return to class on a “Modified(in school) Quarantine. This means that the affected class will remain in its cohort for the remainder of this week and wearing facial coverings inside and outside through Friday, November 5. We will also perform one additional test on each of the close contacts this Friday as well.
Due to the fact that some of our students are in this “Modified (in school) Quarantine” we have had to make some adjustments to our school calendar of events. I thank you, in advance for understanding that these decisions were not easy, but were made in the best interest of our entire school community.
- This Thursday’s Living Rosary has been postponed. The date has not been decided
- This Friday’s Saint’s Parade/costume day and school Mass has been postponed until Friday, November 12. (There will not be a school Mass next Friday)
- Our Halloween Bash has also been rescheduled for Friday, November 12. Costumes can still be worn and a Halloween theme will still fill the air! (Please note that if you dropped off decorations in the school office and need them for your own Halloween celebrations, please feel free to pick them up. We would appreciate it if we can borrow them again after Halloween)
Once again, I thank you for your understanding. We want these wonderful events to be enjoyable for everyone in our community. I look forward to celebrating the good health of us all in the upcoming weeks.
Francie Moss