Dear Parents,
La Jolla Christmas Parade excitement is in the air! We are all looking forward to a wonderful event this Sunday. If you are watching from the parade route, please feel free to cheer us on! So many people to thank…special thanks to Ms. Singh Mrs. Liem for designing our float, Mr. Moss for constructing the float Mr. Liem for assisting him, Mrs. Helliar for organizing the costuming and Mrs. Frost for assisting her and many others who will be recognized next week for the decorating.
We are beginning our annual Christmas outreach project. We will be supporting Fr. Joe’s Villages this year. Our 7th and 8th grade classes will be helping a local family that was recommended to us by our former principal, Sr. Mary Kiely that is in need of assistance as well. Items may be brought to the classroom and will be collected by 7th and 8th graders in my “Service Elective Class”. Please note the items that each class will be collecting…
TK – New blankets
K – Women/girls sock
1st – Men’s belts
2nd – Rain Ponchos
3rd – Men/boys socks
4th – Men’s sweat shirts and sweat pants
5th – New reusable shopping bags
6th – Women’s sweat shirt and sweat pants
7th and 8th – please watch for a special list coming out by Friday
***Tis the season to assist those who are less fortunate in a special way. I am always so moved by the generosity of our families. What wonderful role models for your children!
Please note a schedule changes….Our school Mass for next week will take place on Wednesday (The Feast of the Immaculate Conception) instead of Friday. It will begin at 10:00 with a beautiful Living Rosary followed by our school Mass at 10:20. Parents are welcome. There will be no Mass next Friday.
An additional schedule change: After Care will end at 4:00 P.M. on Friday, December 10.
Christmas Blessings!
Francie Moss