Dear Parents,
Many thanks to those of you that were able to join us for our Living Rosary and school Mass today. What a beautiful way to celebrate the feast day of the Immaculate Conception. Our Advent celebrations will continue into next week with our Christmas program next Thursday evening. If there are grandparents and extended family that would like to attend our 1:00 rehearsal on that day, we welcome them. I will send out more detailed information early next week.
More celebrating is in order for the success of our float in the La Jolla Christmas Parade this past Sunday! Once again, Stella Maris Academy won the “Best Overall” trophy. There are so many people to thank for all of the hard work that went into this amazing event! It was heartwarming to see our “seasoned” parents and our “new” parents come together in the preparations as well as on the parade day. We are truly blessed to have this wonderful SMA family!
Francie Moss