Dear Parents,
As we approach our celebration of Catholic Schools Week I encourage us all to take a moment to acknowledge how blessed we all are to be part of this amazing school community. We have stayed strong and committed to each other and our children through incredibly challenging times. Our spirits have remained high for the most part. When we begin to feel the fatigue set in, we lift one another up because this is what family does. I continue to be amazed at the patience, trust and support you, our parents have in us. I continue to thank God for such an “Over-the-top” faculty and staff and I count my blessings for a supportive pastor and parish community.
I want to assure you that I understand that the past couple of years have taken their toll on us all. Many of us are tired and maybe even getting a bit (dare I say) cranky. But I believe that the end of all of this is in sight. We must continue to support one another no matter what our stand may be on vaccines, masks, quarantines and mandates. Many of us have strong views on current issues that affect us all. I am always here to listen and to lift you up! But my ability to bring about change is minimal. Therefore, I encourage you to make your voices heard by writing or calling our local and state officials. Let them know your thoughts and views. We are all here for one reason…these beautiful children! They deserve the best education that we can provide for them in a Christ-centered, loving and academically challenging environment. I am committed to this goal and so are our teachers and staff.
I look forward to celebrating Catholic education and Stella Maris Academy with you, your children and our staff next week. Please watch your email on Friday for a detailed line-up of scheduled events for the upcoming week!
Stay Strong Stella!
Francie Moss