Dear Parents,
As we officially enter into the season of Lent we focus on prayer, fasting, and alms-giving. We remain committed to deepening our relationships with God by making prayer a priority, fasting without calling attention to ourselves, and giving to those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Lent is a perfect time for reflection on the suffering of Jesus and the infinite love He has for us. I pray that these next 40 days are filled with peace and opportunities for a variety of prayerful experiences.
If you haven’t done so already, I encourage you to read my message that was emailed to you this morning regarding the upcoming changes to our school facial covering policy. I encourage us all to continue to remain respectful and understanding of the multiple points of view of our school families.
Thank yous all around to our dedicated volunteer coaches! We just ended our pee wee and girls’ varsity soccer season and are now entering into boys’ varsity soccer, boys’ and girls’ peewee basketball and girls’ varsity basketball. We just couldn’t do it without these parent volunteer coaches. Additional help is always welcomed. Please let our P.E. teacher, Coach D know if you are available to assist with any of these teams. This Monday, we will be celebrating our 3rd & 4th grade boys’ soccer team for their “Undefeated Season”! The team will be wearing their soccer jerseys to school on that day! A special shout-out to Coach Jon Anderson for stepping up to help organize our students that attended the track meet at Cathedral Catholic High School last Saturday. Thank you just doesn’t seem to be enough!!!!
Francie Moss