Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe that there are only about 8 weeks left of this school year. The time has flown by as it does every year. But we aren’t done yet…there is still much work to be done and celebrations to enjoy!
As we enter into the holiest of weeks observed by the Catholic Church, I encourage you and your children to participate in the many prayerful experiences that our parish and school have to offer. This Sunday is Palm Sunday. You will receive blessed palm fronds for your home and hear an interactive gospel reading retelling the story of the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus. On Wednesday, at 1:15, our 8th graders will re-enact the Stations of the Cross. We will begin on the front steps of the parish hall then proceed into the church. All are welcome to attend and prepare for the beginning of the Triduum. The following day, Holy Thursday, is a minimum day for all students with no cub care. This marks the beginning of our spring break.
I hope to see many of you at the beautiful Mass of the Lord’s Supper in church that evening. Good Friday is a time to reflect and pray on the suffering and death of Jesus. Please check our parish website for the time of Stations of the Cross on this day, for the Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday, as well as Easter Sunday Masses.
Upon our return from break, we will be counting down the final week before our annual Gala! Many thanks to all who have responded. It promises to be a fun-filled evening for us all. So get out that denim and find some “Bling” so we can all “shine” on April 30th.
I pray that the blessings of the risen Christ fill you with grace and joy throughout the remainder of Lent and into the Easter season.
Francie Moss