Dear Parents,
May is such a special month filled with celebrations! Last Friday’s May Crowning began the month with a beautiful May Crowning of Mary along with our school Mass. Thank you to all parents who sent in the beautiful flowers. Special thanks to Michelle McKenna, Maria Pina, and Eva Sanchez for arranging the flowers in such a gorgeous display. Thank you to Mrs. Zack and the 8th graders for planning this special Mass.
This Saturday we will celebrate First Eucharist with our Academy children that have been preparing to receive this sacrament for several weeks. They will be joined by their families, friends and the SMA staff for this very special moment in their faith journey.
Speaking of celebrations… I was blessed to be able to spend a few days with my new twin grandsons, my dear son and amazing daughter-in-law in South Carolina. I will be back in the office on Friday to help our wonderful SMA community end this school year in style.
Francie Moss