Dear Parents,
I hope this message finds you all remaining as cool as possible through this very hot weather we are experiencing. We are trying our best to keep your children cool and hydrated. It would be a tremendous help if you could send your child to school with a water bottle filled with cold water. We are adding an additional water bottle filling station to the senior yard to keep up with the demand. You may notice that your child is a bit more tired or grumpy at the end of the school day. We are seeing this as well. The heat is taking its toll on everyone. Keeping sweatshirts at home is also helpful. Our students love wearing their sweatshirts even if it is 90 degrees outside!
Please mark your calendars for Monday, September 12 at 5:30 PM. Nationally recognized speaker and New York Times bester selling author on child behavior and bullying, Jodee Blanco will be speaking to our parents in the parish hall. Ms. Blanco will be working with our students throughout the day and with our teachers after school. She is a wealth of information and a delightful speaker. I am confident you will learn from her while being entertained as well. Please note that the evening presentation is for adults only. I hope to see many of you take advantage of this great opportunity. It will only be offered at a limited number of schools within the diocese. What a blessing to have Jodee here on our campus!
A final note…please refer to our Safety Funding Report below this message. We are ready to move ahead with securing the alley between the senior yard and the sports court. This will not affect the drop-off and pick-up procedures. It will just make our campus even safer for our students during the school day.
Stay cool…the chillier days are coming!
Francie Moss