Dear Parents,
We had a wonderful and inspiring beginning to our week as we welcomed author, Jodee Blanco, to our campus. We are so blessed that we were able to schedule her here for the entire day. She visited with our students, held a teacher presentation in the afternoon and met with a group of approximately 40 parents in the evening. For the next several weeks, I will be sharing short snippets of Jodee’s presentation in my Principal’s Message. You can also access additional information via her website jodeeblanco.com.
Jodee’s Nugget for this week…
Bullying is almost never personal. It is because the bully is hurting. Taking the time to act with truth and compassion will help both the recipient and the bully. Jodee reminds us that inside our spirit/soul is a tiny voice (the voice of God). If we listen to it we can change the world or someone’s life. We are also encouraged to remember that the definition of bullying is not the mean things that are said and done, but the kind actions that are not shown or acted upon.
After spending the day with Jodee I decided to schedule a follow-up meeting with her to provide input to our new “Safe School Environment/ Anti Bullying Protocol. When the document is completed, she will edit it for me and then I will publish it to all of you. I am dedicated to continuing to assist all of our students and staff feel emotionally safe and confident on and off of our campus.
Please mark your calendars for this Sunday’s 9:00 Parish/SMA Family Mass. If your child attends in Mass uniform, please have them find me after Mass for a free dree coupon for the following week! This Sunday also happens to be Catechetical Sunday. All teachers of religion will be recognized for their commitment and dedication to our Catholic faith. It would be wonderful to have several of our families present at Mass to acknowledge them.
One final note…
As of October 3, we will no longer be working with Choice Lunch for our school lunch program. I am currently working on another option which will hopefully begin October 11. I will keep you all updated in the days to come.
Francie Moss