Dear Parents,
It is difficult to believe that we are well into our first trimester of the school year! As always, we continue to examine every program here at SMA to strive to best fit the needs of our students, staff, and parents. Please note a couple “adjustments” to our staffing… We have made some slight changes to our Spanish program. Senora Pina will remain teaching our TK-4th grade Spanish classes while Dr. Amador will remain teaching 5th-8th graders as well as all heritage speakers within those grades. I am pleased to share with you Sra. Pina has accepted the challenge of accepting the position of Director of Cultural Appreciation for SMA. She will be concentrating on special events and celebrations such as up upcoming Taco Fest, Dia de los Muertos and other wonderful celebrations throughout the year. Many thanks for your continued support as we strive to make SMA even better than it already is.
Our athletics program is alive and flourishing! Many thanks to Coach “D” for her tireless efforts with organizing teams, lining up coaches and bringing the “Girls on the Run” program to SMA. Thank you, Mrs. Norris and Mrs. Mann, for facilitating this amazing opportunity for so many of our girls. Thank you to Mrs. Flores and Mr. Anderson for our running club and cross country which is a huge success as well. How about our fantastic volleyball program with our dedicated coaches? What a blessing! We absolutely cannot forget to mention Mr. Erikson and his afterschool Kickball/Bat ball program. SMA may be small…but we are MIGHTY! Go Monarchs!
Please note that I am currently working with a security company to provide one uniformed security guard to patrol the perimeter of the church while our students, staff and parents attend Mass each Friday. It is my hope to begin the service this Friday. I am in the process of reviewing the contract and finalizing the details. We will no longer be closing and locking the doors to the church. The sunlight and fresh air will be flowing in with the Holy Spirit!
Jodee Blanco’s “Nugget” for the week…
It is important for children to know the difference between tattling and telling. In her presentation, Jodee stressed that…
Tattling Hurts
Telling Helps
If you tell on someone just to get them back and in trouble, that is considered Tattling. This doesn’t necessarily help the situation and can escalate the problem. But if you tell an adult about a challenge you are experiencing with a classmate or other student to create a Plan of Action to help all persons involved…that is considered Telling. Telling focuses on the reasons for the behaviors and how to help the child who has been hurt and the child that chose the hurtful behavior.
My apologies for such a lengthy message today. There are just so many amazing things going on at our wonderful school!
Francie Moss
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