Dear Parents,
Many thanks to all of you who participated in today’s International Lunch! Another SMA tradition has returned!!! Special thanks to Senora Pina, Miss Debbie, and Mrs. Moreau for organizing this wonderful event celebrating our many cultures!
Speaking of delicious food…don’t forget to support SMA and a local business today beginning at 3:00 today. Please see the flier in today’s newsletter for American Pizza Manufacturing. A portion of the proceeds will go back to SMA! This is a great way to support our school as well as a great local business. Order online for quick and easy pick-up.
Coming up next week…
Wednesday, May 24 – Our 1st Annual Spring Sing! 6:00 PM in the parish hall. All students will be performing. You don’t want to mis this fun-filled evening of show tune music!
Thursday, May 25 – Parent presentation regarding the dangers of social media and how to keep our children safe. 5:30 in the parish hall. This is for parents only…please no children due to the sensitive content that will be discussed by our school therapist Kelly Dobelstein MA. Med. PPS. Al parents are welcome TK-8th grade.
Francie Moss