Dear Parents,
We made it through our first and hopefully last “Pandemic Halloween”! Many thanks to the families that had the time to stop by my home Halloween night. What fun it was to see the children and to visit with parents outside of school. This may become a new SMA tradition! Now on to the holiday season. Please be watching for information coming from your room parents or classroom teacher regarding items we will be collecting for our annual Thanksgiving Basket donations. School, parish and additional struggling families will be the recipients of your generosity. Looking forward to our Christmas outreach…we will be sharing with those less fortunate via a “Gift-Giving Tree”. Additional information will be coming in the next couple of weeks. Many thanks to the PTO board, the room parents and the classroom teachers for their support of these opportunities for stewardship and outreach to our less fortunate brothers and sisters.
Additional thanks to all of the parents and students for your amazing efforts on this year’s saint costumes. The parade was great with lots of parent spectators.
In closing, I would like to extend appreciation to Mrs. Pina, Mrs. Sanchez, and Dr. Amador for all of their work on the beautiful Dia de los Muertos Ofrenda, located in the junior yard. Please be sure to take a peek…you don’t want to miss this! Is this an amazing school or what? We are so blessed!
Francie Moss