Dear Parents,
Christmas is in the air! Fun and joyfulness are alive and well at SMA! Christmas clothes, Christmas program recording, and pajama day on Friday! We are so blessed that our students are on campus and that we can all celebrate this wonderful time of year. The promise fulfilled by the birth of the Savior in a manger is reason to pause and take time to thank God for all He has given to us. We must also spread this joy through our daily actions this Christmas season and throughout the entire year. Small acts of kindness go a long way. Many thanks for your generosity with our Christmas “Angel/Giving Tree” outreach project. We collected $1,000 in cash and grocery gift cards for Fr. Joe’s Village and $800 in cash and grocery gift cards for Doors For Change. Thank you for helping to make it a brighter Christmas for those who are less fortunate than ourselves.
Amid all of this joy, I unfortunately, must share the news that Mrs. Jones, our 8th grade homeroom/Middle School Science teacher will be moving to Colorado over the Christmas break. She will be missed terribly. Her caring attitude and love for her students and for teaching has been such a gift to SMA. We wish her well on this new venture. Upon our return on January 5, we will welcome Miss Megan Hughes to SMA as our new teacher. She comes to us with the highest of recommendations from her experience at Valhalla High School. Miss Hughes is a graduate of San Diego State University and Point Loma Nazarene University. She has earned multiple subject credentials in General and Bio/Life Sciences with relevant coursework in Physics, Biology and Kinesiology. Miss Hughes has also expressed interest in beginning an after school cross country team. I am confident that she will be a wonderful addition to our SMA family. Please join me in a grateful farewell to our Mrs. Jones and a warm welcome to Miss Hughes.
Thank you, in advance, to those families that will travel out of state over the Christmas break. We ask you to follow the state and county guidelines and quarantine for 10 days prior to returning to school.
In closing, on behalf of the entire faculty and staff of Stella Maris Academy, I would like to wish you and your families a joyful and blessed Christmas. May 2021 bring us health and restore peace to our country.
With Blessings and Much Love,
Francie Moss