Dear Parents,
I am overwhelmed and so incredibly touched by the kindness from you and your children on this “Staff Appreciation Day”. What a blessing it is to be here! I want to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the entire faculty and staff of Stella Maris Academy. What an amazing group of talented and dedicated people! Additionally, we count our blessings daily for our pastor Fr. Pat. He is truly, the “captain” of this ship. I am looking forward to celebrating our students tomorrow and our grandparents on Friday. Then a restful weekend for us all!
Special thanks to our Dad’s Club for a successful Wine Tasting Event last Friday. It was wonderful to come together as a school and parish family to support SMA. This year’s proceeds will go to support our new tech based Spanish program. I have come to realize that our “Dads” are the absolute BEST!
Don’t forget to purchase your Gala tickets in the front office and at the junior yard gate on Fridays at pick-up. We still have raffle tickets for sale in the school office. $20 for a chance at $1,000 in gift cards to great restaurants in La Jolla. Our school depends on this fundraiser, so I urge you to come and enjoy good friends, feast on fine food and drink, appreciate great music, take part in our live and silent auctions and of course…dance the night away! What a great deal! You won’t want to miss out on this! Get your tickets by February 1 to be included in a drawing for free registration fees for one child for the upcoming school year (a $650 value). This promises to be quite a memorable evening!
Francie Moss