A Message From the Principal

Dear Parents,

Happy March! The days are getting longer and the weather, warmer. As spring approaches and the Lenten season continues, we remember those who are less fortunate than ourselves. This month’s “Adult Virtue” is Charity. I encourage you to pray with your children for the poor, the sick, the homeless and those who may have no one to pray for them.

During this final trimester of the school year, I will be working with middle school students during their elective period. The students will be selecting, promoting, organizing and delivering or presenting a school-wide service/outreach project. I invite all parents to attend this month’s “Coffee with the Principal” on Thursday, March 26 to hear about this project from the students themselves. If all goes as planned, I will be leading this elective each trimester next year. I am very excited to be part of this service opportunity to our community. This is such a valuable lesson on compassion, empathy, Christian service and love for all of God’s children.

Just a quick reminder…if you have not checked out and paid for items you won in “Cause for Auction”, please do so as soon as possible. Any unclaimed items from the silent or live auction can be picked up in the office. We are currently finalizing all of the numbers and hope to have the final totals to share with you within the next two weeks. Many thanks again to all of you that helped to make this event such a huge success!

Francie Moss