Posts Tagged: thank you

A Message From the Principal

Dear Parents, Happy March! The days are getting longer and the weather, warmer. As spring approaches and the Lenten season continues, we remember those who are less fortunate than ourselves. This month’s “Adult Virtue” is Charity. I encourage you to pray with your children for the poor, the sick, the homeless and those who may… Read more »

A Message from the Principal, February 26th

Dear Parents, Greetings from Hampton Virginia! Yesterday I welcomed my second grandchild, Lorelei Rose into this world, a 9 lb. 10 oz. 20.5 in. bundle of pure love. I am so blessed to have been here to help out. I will return to school on Monday with plenty of pictures! Many thanks to all who… Read more »

A Message from our Principal, February 5th

Dear Parents, Well we survived one of the busiest weeks of the school year…Catholic Schools Week! What an amazing celebration of our school family and parish community. I cannot let this eventful week go into the history books without thanking some very dedicated people. Thank you to Fr. Pat for his constant support of our… Read more »

Message from the Principal, Mrs. Moss

Dear Parents, Each year as Thanksgiving approaches, we become more “mindful” of the blessings that God has bestowed upon us. For so many of us, family and friends are at the top of our list.  We give thanks for the food that we have on our tables and the homes that shelter us from the… Read more »