Dear Parents,
Greetings from my “Home Office” to yours! I pray that all are remaining safe and healthy during these confusing, hectic, frustrating days. But looking on the bright side…our students are still learning and becoming more comfortable with the temporary situation at hand. Additionally, they are able to see their classmates via Zoom meetings.
As I stated in last week’s video message to all of you, I will be offering a virtual “Coffee with the Principal” Zoom meeting tomorrow, Thursday, April 2 from 4:00-5:00. This is intended for parents with any questions they may have or just wanting to say hello. It will be an open forum. You may jump in and out at anytime throughout the hour. Since it is open to all parents, any questions or concerns that require personal attention can be addressed with me via the phone or private email. This is out of respect all families and SMA teachers and staff. Please see the invitation to join the meeting below. I hope to see many of you there throughout the hour.
After much discussion with Fr. Pat, the teachers and staff, it has been decided to add some additional time to our Easter Break. Originally, our break was to begin at 12:30 on Holy Thursday, April 9. The new schedule is for remote classes to be in session Monday and Tuesday of next week with the Easter break beginning on Wednesday, April 8 instead of April 9. Additionally, teachers will not be assigning work to be completed over the time off. This will allow your families to “take a breath” and unwind and give the teachers some, much needed and deserved, “down time”. I am requesting that teachers unplug and “go dark” in other words, not utilize technology for work purposes. I am requesting the same from our families. We all need a break from this stress to reconnect with our families and to focus on our faith during this Holy time of the year. I encourage you to view live streamed Holy Week services on our church website. Fr. Pat asked me to share with all of you that he is available for Reconciliation, by appointment. If you are interested, please call the parish office.
One last note…due to this unprecedented situation, we will be waiving the service hour requirements for the current school year.
Many thanks to all of you for your continued prayers, cooperation and support. I hope to see many of you at the Zoom meeting tomorrow.
Francie Moss
Topic: Francie Moss’ Coffee With the Principal Zoom Meeting
Time: Apr 2, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 257 092 4124