Dear Parents,
Alleluia! He is Risen! Welcome back one and all! I hope “re-entry” went well for everyone. The much needed break was definitely a nice opportunity to “recharge”. As we continue on this distance learning journey, I encourage you to remain consistent with daily routines, remembering that there will be some days that are more difficult to navigate than others. Be gentle to yourself, your children and their teachers. This is not easy for anyone. I caution all of us to be careful not to compare classes, teachers and distant learning programs within our own school or different schools. Classes have their own personalities and learning styles that best fit them. Therefore, no two teachers will follow the exact same instructional strategies. To compare a junior yard class experience to a senior yard class experience is like comparing apples and oranges. Additionally, school sites are unique in their own ways as well. Programs and procedures that work well for one school may prove completely ineffective in another. I urge you, as always, to keep an open line of communication with your child’s teacher. Please know that they are there to assist you with any questions or concerns that you may have. I am also available for you as well. Beginning next week, all teachers will be offering “office hour/half hour Zoom meetings” each week for parents to attend to get assistance or clarification on class work or procedures. My goal is to attend as many of these meetings as possible so that I can also answer any questions you may have for me as well. Please note that these meetings are not mandatory. They are an additional form of communication that we are making available to all of our parents to provide support to you during these stressful times. It has been a joy seeing the smiling faces at the Zoom class meetings. Please know how much we miss you and your children. I look forward to the day we can all return to our wonderful school and the joyful sound of children’s voices fill the air once again.
Francie Moss