A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents,

As this school year continues to wind down, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you for your patience, understanding and support of our teachers and administration during this time of uncertainty. We continue to strive to provide the highest quality of education possible for your children while adding some enjoyable and creative ways to have some fun as well. As our eighth graders prepare to graduate, we are finding new ways to make lasting memories for them. Thank you to all of the teachers for the diligence and hours upon hours of work that they have put into planning and “Zooming” with their students.

Now that the end of this school year is in sight, we are making plans on how to safely and responsibly return our students ‘personal belongings to them, along with yearbooks and report cards. We have designated Friday, June 5th as the day for distributing these items. All belongings will be placed in a bag with your family name on it. Bags will be arranged on tables in the junior and senior yards. We will assign times for pick-up corresponding to the first letter of your last name. We ask that you please return any textbooks or library books at this time as well. If you borrowed a Chromebook to assist your family with the distant learning process, please return it to the office. Additional information regarding pick-up times will be sent out in the coming weeks.

I am looking forward to celebrating our eighth graders throughout the next couple of weeks. We are so proud of how they have all handled these past several weeks. The days to come are in celebration of all of the work they have put forth to become a graduate and soon-to-be alumnus of Stella Maris Academy. SMA All the Way!!!


Francie Moss