Dear Parents,
Many more thank yous are in order for all of the exciting things happening at Stella Maris Academy! The events that are enjoyed by our school community would not be possible without the dedication of parents that volunteer hours upon hours of time to make it happen! Thank you to Mrs. Kavanaugh and our PTO for chairing the Halloween Bash. Additional thanks to Mrs. Anthony, Mrs. Helliar and Mrs. Ronchi for going above and beyond as well. To our room parents and their helpers…you are amazing! The games were so much fun and really added to the evening’s festivities. Many thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Garrison for the use of their popcorn machine and for working that station all evening! Thank you to Mr. Moss for all of his assistance in making sure we had power supplied to everything without “tripping” any circuits. A very special thank you to Mercedes Stalsby, Leslie Furrier, Vanda Poirier and Rosemary Nakamura…these wonderful ladies from our parish “Women’s Guild” volunteered their time to serve the food on this evening. One School-One Parish!!!!!
I hope to see many of you at our “Coffee With the Principal” tomorrow morning at 8:00 A.M. in the Star Center. Deacon Jim Vargas, the president and CEO of Father Joe’s Villages will be our guest speaker.
As we look forward to the fun of Halloween tomorrow, we also prepare to remember those who have lived lives devoted to God. I encourage you to join us for our All Saints Day celebration and school Mass on Friday. We will begin in the parish hall at 10:45 with a brief Litany of Saints, then proceed with our Saints Parade around the block and into the church for Mass by 11:20. We will also be drawing the winning ticket for our Dad’s Club raffle for San Diego Aztec game tickets at the end of Friday’s school Mass. Don’t forget to stop by the junior yard to see the beautiful Dio de los Muertos altar. Many thanks to Ms. Sanchez and Mrs. Pina for coordinating this amazing tradition for our children.
So much to be thankful for….so much to celebrate here at Stella Maris Academy!