Good Morning Stella Maris Academy Parents and School Staff,
This is the call many of you have been anticipating. I apologize for not having this information sooner, although as I have expressed in previous communications, we were awaiting official notification from Bishop McElroy. Effective Monday, March 16th, Stella Maris Academy and all other schools in the Diocese of San Diego will be closing to prevent any spreading of the coronavirus until further notice. Most students will be taking textbooks and necessary supplies home today. Teachers will be on campus for final planning from 8 a.m. – 12p.m. on Monday and Tuesday and remote instruction will commence on Wednesday. Parents are welcome to come by school on Monday or Tuesday between the hours of 8 and 12 to pick up books and supplies and ask questions as well. I will be sending out a detailed communication on Monday regarding the remote teaching schedule to assist with this temporary transition.
The office staff will be on site throughout the duration of the closure to respond to any parent questions and needs.
We have been preparing for this decision, but hoping it would not happen. Thankfully we are ready and so are your children. Please join me in thanksgiving for this amazing teaching staff. They have come together as a team of diligent, highly qualified professionals. Your children are so blessed to have them.
I will continue to pray for health and well-being for all of our Stella Maris Academy family during this stressful time.
Thank you,
Francie Moss