We are excited to share with you the new digital forms to be used for this school year. No more printing out forms and remembering to bring them to the office!
You will find two types of forms, one is Google Forms and the other is payment forms through FACTS. You are now able to submit information online without the need to print the forms and walk them into the office. The payment forms will be used for Pizza Lunch and Cub Care/After School Care Registration. Click on the links below to complete all the forms.
Below you will find links to forms that will be due on or before the first day of school, Wednesday, August 23rd. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mrs. Elicia Bailey in the front office, ebailey@stellamarisacademy.org or phone: 858-454-2461.
Emergency Form: Mandatory.
Walking Field Trip Permission Slip: Mandatory for all grades.
Cub Care/After School Care Registration and Fee Payment Form: Mandatory, for families who use Cub Care/After School Care. There is a $55.00 non-refundable registration fee per family. 2023-2024 Cub Care Extended Day Care Handbook
Pizza Lunch: Optional. We have an all-school pizza lunch almost every other Tuesday. Payment is made for the whole year upfront through FACTS. We are unable to accept payment on a lunch-by-lunch. Click the following link to sign up: Pizza Lunch Sign Up & Payment Form
F.I.S.H. (Family Involvement & Service Hours): Mandatory. Service Hours Tally (25 hours per family, or 12 for single parents) will be required from all families by the end of the school year. Please log in volunteer hours on School Speak throughout the school year. You will find this tool under the menu “FISH Hours“.
Walking Pass: Optional, for 6th 7th, and 8th grades only.
Medication: Only if applicable.
Allergy Packet: Only if your student has any food or other serious allergies. Please notify the office and teacher of your child(ren)’s allergy.
Thank You.