Second and third grade chose to help in the area of Water and Sanitation this month. A woman by the name of Hien, who lives in Vietnam, is struggling with the absence of a toilet. Unfortunately, many in her community are in this same horrible situation. Building a toilet will improve the health of Hien and her two children. Quite simply, this loan will help prevent the spread of disease. Appropriate sanitation facilities are critical for these families!
After learning about germs and sanitation, students played The Germ Game! The object of the game was to keep the dreaded germs away by showing their understanding of what they learned during our Kiva lesson. Students understood we don’t notice when germs enter our bodies and were able to give examples of what could happen if they do. Students also saw the importance of practicing good hygiene such as washing their hands.
We were happy to help Hien and her family and we pray for their continued good health!