Dear Parents,
Happy First Day of School! I saw all of you doing the “Happy Dance” this morning! What a joy it is to have our students back, joined by 21 new students as well. Welcome one and all to this wonderful school family!
Please know that we are aware of the many delays with the uniform orders from Dennis Uniform. We will work through this together. Please keep the lines of communication open with your child’s teacher. We may have what you need in the used uniform cupboards as well. Feel free to stop by the office to take a look.
Just a reminder that all three days this week will be 12:30 dismissal days. After care will be
available. Parents are welcome to attend our first school Mass this Friday at 11:20
I am looking forward to a great year filled with excitement and many engaging learning experiences at Stella Maris Academy, where….”Learning is Divine at Herschel and Kline”
Francie Moss