Dear Parents,
We are well into our first week of full days. As expected, the weather decided to heat up a bit just in time for our return to classes. Please make sure your child brings a water bottle to school each day. We no longer have drinking fountains, although we do have water bottle filling stations in each yard and in the admin building. Keeping hydrated helps to keep our students alert and ready to learn.
I am looking forward to seeing all of you at our Back-to-School evening this week (TK-5/ Wednesday & 6-8/ Thursday). It has been a wonderful beginning to our new school year and the teachers are excited to share their year plans and daily expectations for your children. Please remember that we will begin the evenings promptly at 6:00 PM in the parish hall.
An additional reminder that we will observe the upcoming 3-day Labor Day weekend. Please note that there will be no aftercare this Friday due to the holiday. Regular aftercare hours will resume upon our return on Tuesday.
I hope your calendars are marked for Wednesday, September 6 at 5:30 PM in the parish hall for our Safety Net (Internet Safety) presentation for parents provided by the San Diego Police Department. Our students will participate in age-appropriate presentations throughout that day. This evening presentation is for adults only due to some sensitive topics that will be discussed. We are providing this opportunity for our parents to learn more about how to keep their children safe from the dangers of popular platforms and social media sites. This is just one more step we are taking to keep our students as safe as possible here at school and to assist you with safety at home.
Francie Moss