Dear SMA Community,
“Today is Wednesday, September 11, 2024. Today marks the 23rd anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 (2001), when nearly 3,000 women and men died in the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, in the Pentagon in Washington, DC, and in the fields of Somerset County, Pennsylvania. It is also a day on which we remember and honor the lives of those heroic first responders—our firefighters, law enforcement officers, EMTs, paramedics, and others—who ran toward, and into, the Twin Towers, not knowing the fate that awaited them. We celebrate the other selfless heroes who stopped along the way to help others, and we acknowledge the families and loved ones left behind—but they are not alone. This anniversary of 9/11 prompts us to share our gratitude and appreciation for each other as a nation of one family.”
These were my opening remarks at a “Patriot Day Commemoration and Prayer Service” that I hosted this morning for our staff and students. Following recess on the senior yard, the entire school (and Fr. Pat) gathered together on the junior yard to honor the lives our country lost and the heroic actions of our first responders. I assisted Antoine (a 6th grader and a boy scout) with the hoisting of our brand new US flag; the students looked on with hands over their hearts while listening to a recording of the Star Spangled Banner; we recited the Pledge of Allegiance, and we observed a minute of silence. In my remarks to the students (all of whom have no connection to this event as they were not even born in 2001), I shared with them where I was at that moment and what I was doing. I encouraged our students to have a conversation with you using the prompt, “Where were you on 9/11?” Like other tragic events in our nation’s (and world’s) history, I believe that we should not forget, but educate our children about the past. With the theme of service on this Patriot Day, I also encouraged our students to think of some form of service they might do today for someone else.
This week, we entered our first cycle (of three) assessments in math and reading. I decided to change the way we administer these assessments in grades 3-8 (the senior yard): I established a dedicated testing period from 8 to 9 am (both yesterday and today) for all students in the senior yard so that we had an environment conducive for testing (“distraction-free” and silent), allowing students to focus and to do their best. I believe they did just that! Make-ups for absent students or those who may need re-testing will be coordinated during the next two weeks. You may expect to receive copies of your child’s results during our Parent/Teacher Conferences in November (prior to our Thanksgiving break).
FAMILY FUN NIGHT is quickly approaching! Please plan to join our school community on Friday, September 27th (6-9 pm) on the junior yard for a “festival of fun for the whole fam!” Get ready to dance the night away at our DJ Dance Party! SMA Student Council will be selling raffle tickets for a chance to throw a pie at your homeroom teacher (and possibly even the principal?). Please reserve your spot TODAY by clicking here! (Information also below in this newsletter.)
CALLING FOR BOYS AND GIRLS to volunteer as altar servers for SMA and Mary, Star of the Sea parish! We are in need of students in 4th through 8th grades who have had their Sacraments of Initiation (i.e., Baptism and First Holy Communion) to assist with the celebration of our school and Sunday Masses. All student volunteers should be willing to commit to TWO Sunday Masses each month for the parish as well as for our weekly school Masses on Fridays. Please encourage your student to volunteer as this is a GREAT way to strengthen one’s faith in a spirit of service and charity. See details in this newsletter.
Finally, have you shared your love for SMA with a friend or neighbor? Help us spread the good news about our awesome school community!
Thank you for entrusting Stella Maris Academy with your children’s education.
With blessings and gratitude,
Jamie Brandt