Dear SMA Community,
THANK YOU to all who contributed a photo or other memorabilia for our Veterans Day Memorial Display last week! We enjoyed a special schoolwide Veterans assembly last Friday morning following drop-off, during which our guest speaker, Commander Zach Scheetz, spoke with our students about his career in the US Navy and the nature of service. THANK YOU, CDR Scheetz, for your service! Many parents joined us at the assembly as well, and we are continually grateful for your support.
For those families who did share an item for the display, all items are available for pick-up from Mrs. Bailey in the school office.
This Friday marks the end of our first grading period. We are sending home report cards for Trimester 1 tomorrow so that you will have them for review prior to our Parent/Teacher Conferences (PTCs) next week.
Speaking of PTCs, you should have had an opportunity to sign up for a meeting time with your child’s teacher. This is a great opportunity to meet with your teacher and review the learning progress of your child.
With PTCs as the primary focus next week, please remember that Monday, November 18th, is the only full day of school; Tuesday through Friday next week are minimum days (12:30 pm dismissal), and Cub Care will be open each day next week EXCEPT FRIDAY, November 22nd. On Friday, our school will close after dismissal to observe our Thanksgiving break.
Finally, we have our first school fundraising event happening next week: The Turkey Trot!!! This will take place on Wednesday, November 20th, beginning at 8:30 am at the La Jolla Recreation Center. We have T-shirts available for purchase for all students in the school office, with ALL PROCEEDS from the sale going directly to the school (we were blessed by a benefactor who covered the cost of the T-shirts for us). Please see this newsletter for more information, and we hope everyone will join us for this very fun event!
Thank you for entrusting Stella Maris Academy with your children’s education.
With blessings and gratitude,
Jamie Brandt