Dear Parents,
During this special time of the year when we pause to count our blessings, I give thanks to God for all the gifts He has blessed me with, a wonderful family, dear friends, good health, and my strong faith that He will always be by my side. I have had the honor to be of service to thousands of students and their families over my 40 years of working within the Diocese of San Diego Catholic Schools. I began as a volunteer catechist and instructional assistant, moved on to earn my degree as a teacher, then a master’s degree and on to administration. Now it is time to end this part of my journey and begin my next adventure…retirement at the end of this school year.
I want to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to Fr. Pat, my incredible staff, our students, and to all of you. The love and support I have felt from this school and parish community has made such a positive impact on my life and on the final year of my career in education.
Please know that I am acutely aware that my job here is not done. I love the saying…” It’s not over til it’s over”. I assure you that I will finish strong. I am committed to giving SMA everything I’ve got until that final day. I look forward to a successful accreditation and will continue to promote challenging academics steeped in the virtues of our Catholic faith while celebrating all our students’ successes along the way.
May God continue to bless Stella Maris Academy. Mary, Star of the Sea, pray for us.
Francie Moss