Dear Parents,
The season of Advent is officially upon us. We will continue to focus on prayers for peace in our world by praying the Prayer of St. Francis each day. I hope you have all been able to pray this prayer as families. We are still collecting new, unwrapped toys to donate to Fr. Joe’s Villages. There is still time to donate. We will be collecting toys in our classrooms throughout this week and through Tuesday morning of next week. I encourage you to participate in these two activities to help foster a stronger relationship with Jesus this Advent and Christmas season.
We had planned on dedicating our new statue of Mary for our junior yard this Friday. Unfortunately, she has not arrived yet. We are hoping delivery will be by 9:00 PM Thursday night. Therefore, we have postponed the dedication ceremony until after Christmas. If she arrives Thursday, we will take our students to church on Friday morning to see her and pray a decade of the rosary with our parishioners to welcome her.
I hope to see many of you at our celebration of las Posadas this Friday at 1:30. We will begin in the parish hall. Many thanks to Senora Pina for all her work on yet another event to celebrate such a beautiful cultural tradition.
Many more thank yous are in order for all our volunteers that worked tirelessly on our SMA float for this year’s La Jolla Christmas parade. All our hard work paid off…we won Best Overall! Way to Go SMA!!!!!
I keep telling myself what an amazing school we have. It is all because of supportive families (both current and alumni), dedicated staff, and the blessings of our God and our parish community. God is so good!!!
Advent Blessings,
Francie Moss