Dear Parents,
Now that we are well into our new school year, I’d like to address a topic that we see each year as our students experience “re-entry” into the school environment following their summer break. We acknowledge that the summer months are filled with time away and a more relaxed atmosphere with less structure and more relaxed rules and discipline.
Now that we are returning to the structure and rigor of classroom and school life, it is time for our students to transition back into the routines of our daily life here at SMA. This transition is easier for some students than others, no matter which grade they are in. We may occasionally see a child in the junior yard in tears following a long weekend. Or an older student may not realize the necessity of adhering to our uniform expectations or forgetting the importance of respect towards their teachers and classmates. It is our job to assist all our students in this time of change and transition. This task may occasionally take on the form of discipline. This is not just about consequences for their actions, but it assists children in gaining the skills they need to become responsible adults. Discipline can assist children in managing anxiety, encourages good choices, helps them to manage their emotions, and promotes physical and intellectual safety.
This is a period of time where your child’s teacher needs your cooperation and support more than ever. These next few weeks will help to “set the stage” for the remainder of this school year. Frequent communication is the key to a successful partnership between home and school. Please feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher with any questions or concerns. Please note that we always have your child’s best interest at heart. Our priority is to promote respect in a safe, Christ-centered environment steeped in challenging academics. Success takes on many forms. We pray that your child finds success this school year and, in the years, to come.
Francie Moss