Dear SMA Community,
How are you feeling? I’m feeling great! Last Friday afternoon, many of us gathered in a peaceful protest to the 5G tower installation by picketing in front of Dr. Miremadi’s clinic on the corner of Ivanhoe and Kline streets. Our voices were heard loud and clear! Cars passing by on Torrey Pines Blvd honked their horns as media reps from KUSI/Fox and ABC were on-site to broadcast our message to the rest of San Diego. There are many parents to thank for this continued forward press and coordination, especially Aubrey Elbin! We will see this through to the end, and hopefully we shall prevail!
We began our first full week of school this week. For me, this means getting out of my office and walking through the classrooms to observe the active learning that is happening. I feel Monday was perhaps the hardest for our students (a long day!), but by today it seems that all have adjusted to the daily grind of class schedules and other activities. Of note, we held our first all-school assembly in the Parish Hall this morning, where the students listened to some good and fun music from a quartet of musicians demonstrating the unique sounds from string, brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments (see photos below). Hopefully many of our students were motivated and encouraged to choose an instrument and learn to play it this school year as part of our school band (see flyer in this newsletter)!
As you know, tonight and tomorrow mark our Back-to-School Nights. Both events begin at 6 pm in the Parish Hall for a general parent session before movement to the classrooms for teacher presentations. Tonight, we invite all TK-5 parents to attend, and the evening ends around 7:30 pm. Tomorrow evening, we invite our middle school parents (grades 6-8), and the evening will end closer to 8:00 (parents will follow the schedule of their child and hear from all of the curricular teachers). Unfortunately, we do not offer child care, yet I acknowledge that a few parents have asked me about it, so we shall consider this for future events.
Looking ahead, we have a 3-day holiday weekend to enjoy as our nation celebrates Labor Day on Monday, September 2nd. Monday is a school holiday, and school will resume on Tuesday, September 3rd. Of note, that Tuesday morning we will have our annual Math pancake breakfast (see details in this newsletter).
Additionally, please note that we have our School Picture Day next Wednesday, September 4th! ALL STUDENTS should come to school wearing their Mass uniform for their individual photos. Moreover, class (group) pictures will be taken on Friday, September 6th (again in Mass uniform). Please mark these two dates on your calendar now and plan NOT to miss these events, especially the class pictures on Friday (because there is no make-up for the class pictures)!
Finally, I pray all families have a safe and joy-filled holiday weekend! Thank you for entrusting Stella Maris Academy with your children’s education.
With blessings and gratitude,
James Brandt
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