Dear SMA Community,
I was saddened yesterday to hear that there was yet another school shooting during which two students and two teachers died; nine were injured. This tragedy occurred at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia. Apparently, a 14-year old male student was responsible for the shooting, and he is expected to be prosecuted as an adult.
This tragedy should serve to remind all of us that we must remain vigilant. We must be aware of what is happening around us at all times and not become complacent. Moreover, we must be ready to respond when an emergency does occur. At SMA, we conduct emergency drills monthly (in fact, we have a fire drill this afternoon). These drills serve as training opportunities for our students so that they are prepared in how to respond to emergencies like fire, earthquake or even an intruder (on or near our campus).
With respect to emergencies that may require SMA to lock-down, we have procedures in place to protect our students and staff. Moreover, we have a mass communication system in place to notify you immediately of any emergency situation on campus.
In the event that a lock-down requires an evacuation, there are designated rally points in the local community where our students will assemble. During the first week of school, each grade walked to their rally point so that they are aware of their safe place. Our first lock-down drill is scheduled for November 14th. In advance of this event, I intend to communicate with you our training plan. More to follow in this regard.
The tragedy at the high school in Georgia yesterday also affirms for me that we must continue to build and form healthy, positive relationships with our students. At SMA, we strive daily to build and maintain a school culture that respects the value and dignity of each and every student.
On a more positive note, many students in grades 4-8 enjoyed a delicious pancake breakfast when school resumed last Tuesday (following the holiday weekend) because they completed their summer math assignments. Many thanks to Mrs. Moreau, Mrs. Flores and Mrs. Zack for coordinating (and cooking for) the event! Also, we are grateful for the parent volunteer help from Mrs. Jennifer Garza and Mrs. Lisa Raphael.
It was great to see our students dressed and groomed so well for their individual school photos yesterday morning. If your child was absent, then please plan for them to take a make-up individual photo at school on Thursday, October 17th.
Speaking of school photos, TOMORROW morning (Friday) our photographer is back on campus for our class (group) photos. Each grade will assemble at a designated time in front of the church facade for the class photo with the teacher and principal. Please note there is NO MAKE-UP for the class photo (so ensure your child is at school tomorrow)!
As part of our faith outreach to our parent community, I invite SMA Moms to join the Rosary Group tomorrow morning (Friday) from 8:00 to 9:00. This event happens monthly on the First Friday. Please reach out to Mrs. Diana Anderson for questions or more information.
Looking to next week, we celebrate our first Spirit Wear Day and pizza lunch on Tuesday, September 10th!
Also, our first PTO Meeting will be on Wednesday, September 11th at 1:45 pm in the Parish Hall. I strongly encourage active parent participation in the PTO as this is a dynamic group that plans and coordinates many of our special events and activities, including our annual gala. This is a great opportunity to complete your parent volunteer service hours!
Finally, we will be administering the first of four cycles of the Star Reading and Star Math standardized assessments next week. Data from these assessments help us to track and monitor the growth and achievement of our students.
Thank you for entrusting Stella Maris Academy with your children’s education.
With blessings and gratitude,
Jamie Brandt
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