Dear Parents,
It feels like the days are getting shorter and our calendars are becoming “fuller”! It is beginning to feel like there is just not enough time in the day to accomplish all that we plan for. During the holiday season routines are interrupted for celebrations and bedtimes can sometimes suffer a bit as well. Please note that we will try to keep our daily schedules as consistent as possible to allow for maximum learning for our students. Any support you can give us, such as plenty of sleep and refraining from sending excessive sweets to school in lunches, would be greatly appreciated. Together, we can make this holiday season a wonderful experience for our students.
Please plan on joining us this Thursday at 8:05 AM in the junior yard for a prayer service in honor of our veterans and active military. We will lift them and their families up in prayer and raise a new American flag to fly proudly over our school. May God continue to bless those who sacrifice so much so that we may enjoy the freedoms this country has to offer us.
Our annual Parent Conferences will take place next week. Please remember that Tuesday-Friday will be minimum days with 12:30 dismissal to allow for the meetings to take place. Please be on time for your scheduled conference. Due to very tight schedules, late arrivals may have to be rescheduled for a later date. After care will be available through Thursday. There will be no after care NEXT Friday, November 17 to allow for the beginning of our Thanksgiving break.
In closing, I would like to send out a big THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS to Senora Pina for another successful Dia de los Muertos celebration. She is filled with boundless energy and such positivity! We are so blessed to have her here at SMA!
Francie Moss