For those of you who have kept up with our waiver process, we have some great news! We have been approved! What does this mean for Stella Maris Academy? We will go through with our re-opening as planned on September 8th for in-person instruction. Should the city of San Diego get itself back on the watchlist and the schools close down again, we have been granted permission to remain open.
Of course, we will continue to maintain all necessary health and sanitation procedures as well as closely monitor the wellbeing of each and every student and staff member at the school. Health and safety is our top priority but so is your child’s education. We are blessed at the school to be part of a team that believes in quality education and are excited to see what this school year has in store for us all!
Please see Mrs. Moss’ weekly video update here for the process in which we will be letting students in by phases. Have a great day!