Posts Categorized: School

Incoming 5th grade Summer Work

This is just a reminder that students entering grade 5 in the fall have been asked to complete 8 summer assignments in ALEKs. Students need to attain a 93% or higher on each of these assignments in order to be eligible to attend the pancake by August 31st. Don’t let the summer slide happen to you!… Read more »

Middle School Mandatory Summer Work

Dear Rising 6th-8th Grade Families, Did You Know? All young people experience learning losses when they do not engage in educational activities during the summer. Research spanning 100 years shows that students typically score lower on standardized tests at the end of summer vacation than they do on the same tests at the beginning of… Read more »

Spirit Week is HERE!

Just a reminder of the themes for all of Spirit Week this week… Tuesday: Red, White, and Blue Day – candidates will give their speeches at 1:30 pm Wednesday: Comic Con day Thursday: Talent show attire – All class Talent Show acts have been moved to the morning in the junior yard. Friday: Decades Day

Night of Art and Music

We hope you can join us for a Night of Art and Music on Thursday, May 12th Reception will start at 5 pm and the concert will begin at 5:30 pm Come see works of art from ALL our students!

The Annual SMA Golf (not so) Classic

The Annual SMA Gold Not So Classic Friday, May 13th – Shotgun start at 3 p.m. Parent and Teacher Appreciation Day! Hosted by the SMA Dads’ Club!! Shotgun start at 3 pm – 9 holes of fun with a course for all skill levels. Then Happy Hour on the Sail Ho Patio from 4 pm… Read more »

Building Hearts of Compassion

Stella Maris was recently in the news to honor the choices of a first grader and our third grade class. Check out the article HERE!

STEAM Night is tonight!

We hope to see you tonight in the senior yard for STEAM Night! We have lots of interesting activities planned and it is a guaranteed good time!

Feeling Groovy Book Fair is Here!

Hello SMA Family! Our “Reading is Groovy” bookfair is going on this week!  We have a goal of $5,000 in sales.  If we reach it, the students will get to enjoy a free dress day! TOMORROW morning at 7:45, I will have coffee and muffins for parents.  Come grab some breakfast and browse the bookfair!… Read more »

Catholic Schools’ Night at PETCO Park

This is a reminder that ticket orders are due by Friday, April 8th. We are hoping that you can join us for a fun night of baseball. The Padres will be playing the New York Mets at 7:40 pm on Friday, May 6th. Plaza Field Level tickets cost $32 each. Please turn in your order… Read more »