Catholic Schools’ Night at PETCO Park

SanDiegoPadres_SMK1a_2012_SCC_SRGB_4This is a reminder that ticket orders are due by Friday, April 8th. We are hoping that you can join us for a fun night of baseball. The Padres will be playing the New York Mets at 7:40 pm on Friday, May 6th. Plaza Field Level tickets cost $32 each. Please turn in your order forms and money to Mrs. Zack. We hope to see you there!

Deadlines have been extended for Love Lines and Page Sponsors for our yearbook!

We still have a need for more parent and community support for our yearbook. These two programs help to offset the cost of the yearbook. So, your participation in sponsoring a yearbook page and/or sending a Love Line to your student, teacher or buddy is greatly appreciated!
Yearbook Sponsor Page:
Every student and teacher at SMA receives this beautiful 72 page hardcover book. For $50 your family or business can show your support and school spirit by sponsoring the page of your choice in the yearbook!
See Attachment for more information and available pages .
Yearbook Lovelines:
This is your opportunity to let your favorite SMA student know how proud you are of them and how much they mean to you. Love lines are short messages addressed to a student and included on special pages in the yearbook. These messages mean a lot to the students and they hold lasting memories. Price: $5 for every 10 words
You can email your requests to
Thanks SMA Community,
Mrs. Wick, Mrs. Pridmore, Mrs. McGarry, and the SMA Yearbook 8th Grade Staff

Have you RSVPed for the Gala?


Our Gala is fast approaching. We can’t wait to see you next weekend at the La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club.

Have you heard that you can bid online this year? You can spread the word and tell your friends! Doesn’t having a Tesla for 24 hours sound like an incredible opportunity? What about a week in Maui?

Make sure to start checking out some items on our SITE

Also, don’t forget to tell Kelly Lange you are coming. She is waiting to hear from you and will send you a welcome email from Cause4Auction so you can get your account set up and ready to bid.

Hope to see you there!

Come share your holiday cheer!



We will be singing Christmas Carols at Casa de Mañana on Wednesday, December 9th! All students are welcome! (it even counts towards middle school service hours!) For any students who would like to join, we will be meeting in the junior yard at 3:30 and begin caroling down Girard Ave. toward the Casa de Mañana. Carols will last until 5:00 and will include hot chocolate and cookies (gluten-free will be available) with the residents.

Donate to the Toy Drive!



Please Bring Toy Donations to the SMA School Office by Friday, December 11th. 

We are in need of unwrapped toys for boys & girls ages 0-12

Board Games – Dolls – Balls for Various Games – Books – Legos

Catholic Charities has a Christmas Store for parents to shop for their children. Your donations will help make this a more cheerful season for our clients and their children.

Spirit Run Is Here!


It’s time again for our fall “fun”draiser, and we are counting on your enthusiastic support.  Our 2nd annual Spirit Run is set for Thursday, November 19th at the La Jolla Rec Center. We need family support to help gather pledges and come to support PTO in our Fall “Fun”draiser!

Fall Celebrations on Friday

candy corn

Are you ready for something “corny and fun”? This Friday TKers and Kindergartners will be participating in a Friendship Feast.

Later in the morning, our first graders will be decorating a candy corn banner.

Happy fall everyone!

Dads’ Club invites you to the Third Annual Wine Tasting

wineThe Stella Maris Dads’ Club invites you to the

Third Annual Wine Tasting

Welcome our new teachers and families to our community

 Friday, October 16, 2015

 7-10 PM

Mary Star of the Sea

Parish Hall, La Jolla

Featuring selections from San Diego County Wineries including:

Lenora Winery
Roadrunner Ridge Winery
Highland Valley Vineyards
Coyote Oaks Vineyards
Domaine Artefact Winery

Entrance includes etched Stella Maris logo wine glass, wine tastings and tasty bites.

 Tickets: $25 per person. Sponsor a teacher or staff for $25.

Pay at the school office or at the door.          

 If you like the wine, buy a bottle or case to support our wineries & SMA

Also take a chance at our tremendous raffle which includes dozens of prizes including winery tastings, wine, and restaurant gift certificates.

 For more details, call David Oliver at 619-843-4784 or Robert Bonakdar 619-846 -9162

Movie Night is Tonight!


Tonight SMA will be having a movie night and the Book Fair will be open to purchase books as well! This will be a great time to have fun with friends.

Student Council will be selling popcorn and drinks.

Bring your own chairs and blankets.

Costume contest with prizes awarded. (no masks please!)

Be a hero and help us meet our goal of 500 books sold!! 

Hope to see you there! Gates open at 5 and the movie starts 15 minutes after sunset!